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Diet food chain -

21-12-2016 à 18:38:47
Diet food chain
Every year, my talks are brand new, because every year the science is brand new. So, do you change your smoking habits or do you wait. And here we go: a 13-month-long randomized controlled trial of plant-based diets for rheumatoid arthritis. , have soared. Recorded live at the University of Pittsburgh on July 11, 2015 thanks to NAVS and Aaron Wissner. We love his work. Most Weekly Fast-Food Eaters Believe the Food Is Not Good for You. And beyond just the crystals, dietary cholesterol may oxidize and directly cause toxic and carcinogenic effects. If turmeric is the best plant for longevity, what about it is so good. Ir has been identified as causing breast cancer, kidney and liver cancers, and more, lots more. Well, populations that eat more meat do seem to have higher rates of rheumatoid arthritis, and there have been some dramatic case reports of rheumatoid arthritis attacks triggered by the consumption of animal foods. Because in the Western world, as the American Heart Association has pointed out, the only folks really getting down that low are strict vegetarians, coming in at about 110 over 65. And with regards to the bad bacteria in the gut, the hospitals full of people with SuperBugs, most studies cite: The Effect of Glyphosate on Potential Pathogens and Beneficial Members of Poultry Microbiota In Vitro, by Awad A. One milligram of B12 will last over two years, healthy individuals carry a five year supply. Just for the record people eating a plant based diet do not have Creatine, Carnosine, Animal-Based Omega-3, Heme-Iron, Taurine or Sulfur deficiencies. I believe the paleo atkins diet is very unhealthy and brought from psychiatrist who use altered states of consciousness to tell people to not eat fortified foods. It is more about how much you are lifting. Monanto patented glyphosate in 1970, and began marketing RoundUp around 1974. Did you know canola oil is banned in China and much of Europe and made from the rapeseed. population consumes—without any warning, labeling, or information—unknown and unpredictable amounts of hormonal residues in meat products over a lifetime. The suit seems to be based on information discussed in this article by. As we learned from experience with the tobacco industry, a powerful corporation can sell the public just about anything. And, in 2014, I went through our leading causes of disability. If you wait until the powers that be officially recognize it, like the Surgeon General did in the subsequent decade, you could be dead by then. I am not sure why folks grumble when they hear this message, because it is an immense relief to me that my health is in my hands, in the choices I make every day. There are new videos and articles every day. There are also other herbs which can be useful for all sorts of problems. Lowcarb: You seem unaware of the very successful vegan bodybuilders out there, some of whom are breaking world records after going vegan. There are no links at the end that i could find. I am Matthew, a botanist, and I am in the process of turning Vegan because I am milk intolerant and feel much better as a vegetarian. Beyond this, my diet is already better than I figure 99% of Americans, plus I exercise rigorously. They even got success in barbecue country, rural North Carolina. Initial experiments with that book I mentioned have produced positive results, including macro symptoms in how I feel, so I will continue to pursue this new angle. You have made a change to improve your health that many people struggle with. I have been on a WFPB diet for a long time and have cholesterol tests that come in over 150 and even over 200. Cholesterol in the plaque may get so supersaturated that it reaches a point that it crystallizes, like rock candy. The recommendations page was really helpful to me. In the absence of effective federal regulation, the meat industry uses hundreds of animal feed additives, with little or no concern about the carcinogenic and other toxic effects. I took this feedback to heart and in 2012 developed Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death, which explored the role diet may play in preventing, arresting, and even reversing our top 15 killers. But, if you look at the rates of lung cancer around the world, they vary by a factor of ten. In fact, you can actually tell how much meat someone is eating by looking at their tumors. The 66 year old lifter, who has been vegan for 46 years, lifted 94 kg to set a record for the under 50. Indeed, we now know smoking is responsible for 90% of lung cancer cases. Finally, everyone is a bit different and it helps to work with a knowledgeable health care professional to craft a program that works for you. How much money can be made on beans, though. Some vitamins can extend life, others are harmless. The evidence justifies igniting a social movement—let the people lead, and eventually the government will follow. See, stricter diets may meet greater acceptance among patients than more modest diets because they may work better. This reminds me of nitrosamines, a class of potent carcinogens found in cigarette smoke. Smoking now kills only about a half a million Americans every year, but diet now kills hundreds of thousands more. They do have a Nobel Prize for medicine and the good Doctor certainly deserves it. His mind i fine. Greger has some videos which address the topic of phytoestrogens, including the relationship to flax and soy. Niacin is stripped from grain and, baring the burning or flush sensation, you can take as much as you want safely until you get nausea. I saw this on a shirt once with some friends, and I was such the party pooper—no pun intended, explaining to everyone that meat is fully digested in the small intestine, and never makes it down into the colon. But those eating meat-free, egg-free, and dairy-free had 75% lower risk. Greger has a video showing that even if your blood pressure is normal, salt is not safe. This apparently increases yields by reducing moisture that causes rot, fungus, and sprouting. Vegetarian diets in general confer protection against cardiovascular disease, some cancers and death, but completely plant-based diets seem to offer additional protection for obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease mortality. Maybe I have Sjogrens syndrome. Some researcher who can integrate the various pieces can create a grand unified theory of cardiovascular health (to steal a phrase from particle physics) and bask in eternal fame and glory. The genetically engineered gene can be passed on from the plant to animals and people by eating the plant, using animals as food, or the blood, bone (meal) for gardening and especially growing food. In it, Dr. I read someone post that to be a vegan you can take more vitamins than B12 and D3. I find it better for my skin and overall appearance and feeling when I eat more fresh, raw fruits and veggies during the day (think bananas, mangos, watermelon, figs, berries, etc. The food additives, D3, Iodine, Niacin, and B12 are all based around an older diet with most people being deficient and the only winner being the corrupt corporations. This site is my number 1 site for nutritional advise. Whole grains, beans, vegetables, fruit, and dark green leafy vegetables. I also used to be a amateur weightlifter, and am trying to convert. Yes this video is such a treasure trove that I have shared it with over a 100 people. In 2013 I developed the sequel, More Than an Apple a Day, in which I explored the role diet could play in treating some of our most common conditions. Only 4% say they never eat at fast-food restaurants. If so, how long until one hits the endpoint. Many have expressed their appreciation for the breadth of material, but asked that I try to distill it into a coherent summary of how best to use diet to prevent and treat chronic disease. And in the meanwhile, all my work is available free, on NutritionFacts. I do feel badly for people on minimum wage. But, remove meat, egg whites, and dairy proteins from our diet, and our bloodstream can suppress cancer cell growth about eight times better. e. This is an ad from the Journal of the American Medical Association. Is it more potent or less potent in meat and dairy. Here is a link about those dang potatoes. Thank you so much for taking the time to send me this great response. But, that said, for parents with a couple kids, living on minimum wage, paying 50% more for organics adds up. Is there more or less estrogen in meat and dairy. Gregor made those point in older videos and has since changed his POV. Well, there is a rare birth defect called galactosemia, where babies are born without the enzymes needed to detoxify the galactose found in milk. The American diet is utterly deficient in Fiber. He weighs the same as in College. Before we get to the science, b00mer, a well respected poster on this site, once wrote the following words which helps put the issue into perspective. In 1979, an epidemic of breast enlargement was noted in Italian children. Not the whole world can be on Vitamins but the parts of plants in some form is still good for you. But is it possible to get blood pressures down to 110 over 70. She eliminated gluten, beef, eggs, dairy products, nightshade vegetables, refined sugars, and citrus fruit for 4 months. Even kindly offering to send free packs of cigarettes to doctors so they can test them out themselves. C. So, when mainstream medicine is saying that smoking may on balance be beneficial, when the American Medical Association is saying that, where could you turn back then if you just wanted the facts. I also have leg pain and dry mouth at night. These associations were either abolished or attenuated if the proteins were plant-derived. If everyone would just grow some of their own food we could all make a difference. I have been enjoying this site since the onset and everyone moves through the process at their own pace. I personally do not think you can ever say the poorer are healthier than the rich because they are not. When I first started I was non-dairy and eating very little animal protein and Dr. Dr. Thank you Neil for pointing out the elephant in the room. The glyphopate modified organisms are modified with different herbicides to be herbicide resistant and thus sell more herbicides, making Dow Chemical and Monsanto more money. They reported subjectively feeling better, significant improvement in their grip strength, fewer tender joints, less tenderness per joint, and less swelling. Dr. Almost everyone is going to have a cancer cell or pre-cancerous cell in them at some point. The difference is that animal proteins tend to have more sulfur-containing amino acids like methionine (which is found most concentrated in fish and chicken, and then eggs, less in beef and dairy, and much less in plant foods), which can be turned into hydrogen sulfide in our colon. So, toxic nitrosamines should be banned immediately, but are still allowed for sale in cigarettes and meat because the carcinogens are found there naturally, just like the heme iron. 1 parts per million. I gave up meat and chemicals, as best I could at the time. Red wine may help, but only if the alcohol has been taken out. Subjects were weighed every day, and if they started losing weight, they were made to eat more food. Randomized controlled trial: after five years, no big change in the control group, but in the plant-based group, insulin needs were cut in half, and a quarter ended up off of insulin altogether. But, only the heme iron, the blood and muscle iron, not the nonheme iron that predominates in plants. org. The leg pain has been present for about 5 years and the dry mouth syndrome for about 6 months. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are another problem. With steroids and other drugs injected straight into the eyeball. But I use flax in quick breads, which is just flour, flax, baking soda and water with salt and molasses, honey etc optional. Plus I cannot believe he advocates krill oil. The Plant Built team of 15 vegan bodybuilders competed in seven divisions, taking first place in all but two. What is the max beneficial vitamin for longevity in plants. One nutrition scientist replied that it was wrong, and potentially dangerous. As one eats more and more plant-based, there appears to be a stepwise drop in the rate of diabetes down to a 78% lower prevalence among those eating strictly plant-based. Hopefully in the future we can tackle these topics in depth. Takes no medicine,has not had a heart attack or cancer. So, with zero weight loss, did a plant-based diet still help. You drip Zeranol-containing blood from implanted cattle onto normal human breast cells in a Petri dish, and you can transform them into breast cancer cells within 21 days. Low levels of Calcium and Magnesium may be at play in hypertension. I went to one of his lectures and he was pretty clear about that. Glyphosate is not only an endocrine disruptor, a teratogen, a probable carcinogen, but it is said to be a genotoxin, as well. Many vegans eat conventional produce, squash, corn, soy, sugar etc and it makes me cringe. You could design a better diet with this in mind. As the video points out for Rheumatoid Arthritis it is possible that your condition would be alot worse on a more conventional diet. Does not drink milk but has cheese. ). In general, the Adventists had less cancer than the Baptists, and within Adventist populations, the vegetarians did even better, and those eating the most plants did the best. I spent more time putting together this presentation than any other in my life. You could always just not drink it, but then what would happen to your bones. The only thing better than reversing diabetes is to not get it in the first place. Surgeons literally burn out the back of your eyeball. In terms of life expectancy, the U. Dr Greger, Thank you for a highly informative, data backed presentation that was entertaining and easy to follow. Even with intensive diabetes treatment—at least three insulin injections a day with the best modern technology, like implantable insulin pumps—the best we can offer is usually just a slowing down of the progression of the disease. com has some information. Eating meat on some level makes me feel guilty. Unfortunately she is a Weston Pricer which reduces her credibility to me. They know the Big Pharma trick of choosing the right control group. If anything, milk consumption was associated with a borderline increase in fracture risk in men. Once again, stellar job in making us more aware of the advantages and disadvantages of certain food types and their impact on diseases. If you are into bodybuilding I promise you that Keto is the way to go. In the 1950s, the average American smoked a half a pack a day. We each have about a 1 in 400 chance of developing this dreaded disease. Is there scientific evidence showing that nightshade vegetables contribute to arthritic conditions. They are then downloaded, categorized, read, analyzed, and churned into the few hundred short videos. It is brave presentations such as this that ignite the critical thinking required to unlearn what we have been told and open up to the true science. I then compile all the most interesting, the most groundbreaking, the most practical findings to create new videos and articles. His smokescreen may have been because he was a paid consultant to the tobacco industry, but also because he was himself a smoker. Hoffer invented using vitamins to treat disease. I also recently saw that video which is much older. We now have evidence that simple advice to increase the consumption of plant-derived foods with reductions in the consumption of foods from animal sources confers a survival advantage. So we have two groups of people examining parts of an elephant with magnifying glasses. The successful treatment of type 2 diabetes with a plant-based diet was demonstrated back in the 1930s, showing that a diet centered around vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans was more effective in controlling diabetes than any other diet. The most efficient way to avoid diabetic complications is to eliminate the diabetes in the first place, and this is often feasible with a healthy enough diet. There is a severe deficiency of nutrition education at all levels of medical training. Because these anabolic growth promoters in meat production are by far the most potent hormones found in human food, we should really be testing people, especially children, before and after eating this meat. When famed surgeon Michael DeBakey was asked why his studies published back in the 30s linking smoking and lung cancer were ignored, he had to remind people about what it was like back then. All proceeds from the sale of all of my books, DVDs, and speaking engagements all go to charity, and speaking of which: mark your calendars, December 8 th of this year, my new book is coming out: How Not to Die. Undoubtedly, fast-food restaurants still represent a major part of the American dining experience, with almost all Americans eating fast food at least occasionally -- though the percentage who do so frequently is down slightly from seven years ago. The rice diet was just rice and fruit. Men are more likely than women to eat fast food at least weekly -- 53% vs. The good news, though, is that restricting these kinds of foods may suppress these inflammatory effects. First thing I do in the morning is oil pulling (coconut oil) and then I drink about half a liter. Thus, in diabetics, dietary AGEs promote inflammatory mediators, leading to tissue injury. Both happen every night but not during the day. Thanks for posting, I had already purchased the download to use in my plant-based share medical appointments. Admiration on making all those sacrifices to eat healthy. Diabetes for 20 years, then off all insulin in less than 2 weeks. During the winter months in northern climates there is not enough sunlight to generate D3 production In which case a supplement may be necessary. Zinc deficiency is associated with milk intolerance and poor adsorption of Zinc. So maybe, the Swedish researchers figured, even in normal people who. And again, it may be these crystals, cholesterol crystals, triggering the progression of fatty liver into serious hepatitis. People should make cuts elsewhere, and try to buy organic. One is that blood cholesterol levels under 200 tend to pull cholesterol out of the blood vessel walls. I share them all the time but everyone simply ignores them completely. I also love oats for breakfast (not cooked, just soaked overnight but my skin tends to react more). On a side note, maybe one day the US will pass a law like this one passed in France, making it ILLEGAL for supermarkets to dump food in the trash. , dry out, soybeans, corn, all types of grains, sunflower seeds, etc. Eats bread Has not had a cold in 7 years. The heme in the ham may also play a role. There is also info about where the info was acquired from and footnotes at the end. Because it is a systemic chemical, it is absorbed by the RoundUp-ready plants, and accumulates in their tissue. Nonetheless, a huge share of Americans continue to visit fast-food drive-throughs or dining rooms, suggesting that the appeal of the product -- be it the relatively low cost, the taste, or the convenience -- outweighs the health concerns. Could that have been because they had just been handed ten million dollars from the tobacco industry. The China Study is a prime example, showing the serious health consequences of high consumption of pro-inflammatory foods—meat, dairy, fat, and junk—and low consumption of anti-inflammatory plant foods—whole grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, split peas, chickpeas, and lentils. DES is another synthetic estrogen marketed to pregnant women—until 1971 when it was shown to cause cancer of the vagina in their daughters. Technology LLC, 2010), has been shown to disrupt gut bacteria in animals. Part of his resistance to seeing the association may have been rooted in his own fondness for smoking, which makes me wonder about some of the foods nutrition researchers may be fond of to this day. S. A strong association was seen between cholesterol intake and hospitalization and death from cirrhosis and liver cancer. The lift was more than 1. One wonders how many people are currently suffering needlessly from dietary diseases. I think it may be my best presentation ever. I see where you might think that from old videos he has made. If anything, their physical activity levels may now be even lower. All doctors should start there when they treat people. Nutritionfacts will be responsible for saving millions of lives I have no doubt. So, we can slow down your blindness, but a half-century ago, Kempner at Duke proved you could reverse it with an ultra-strict plant-based diet of mostly rice and fruit. It does give one hesitation as to credibility. I like to body build, but am in a rest phase. I wish I could extend the olive branch from orthomolecular medicine to Whole Foods Plant Based nutrition because you are saying the almost exact same thing. All edible tissues of animal origin contain estrogen. You can learn more about their diet from the following NutritionFacts page:. Osteoarthritis is the most frequent cause of physical disability among older adults, affecting more than 20 million Americans, with 20% of us affected in the coming decades, and becoming more and more widespread among younger people. The GE seed often contains Glyphosate whether it is GM to be a pesticide in the gut on insects feeding on corn, potatoes, cotton. There is controversy over all the fortifications (D3 in milk, Niacin in grains, B12 in cereal, Iodine in salt) with many Americans probably deficient in these key nutrients. The Clean Fifteen are relatively safe due to a shell, skin that is peeled, or minimal spraying. ) and dinner is usually a cooked meal for me (potatoes, rice, quinoa with veggies and a big salad). I want to thank you for all the support and much needed information you provide. So, maybe the dairy industry should require toxin screenings of milk. For a smidgen of science on the issue of say grass fed beef, check out the following. They soak up those chemicals like a sponge. Overall insulin requirements were cut about 60%, and half were able to get off insulin altogether, despite no change in weight. D3 is produced by our bodies in response to exposure to sunlight. I strongly recommend this for your viewing, and your longevity and better health. I love your posts and feel as though I already know you so no introductions needed. This was a crossover study where they asked people to eat plant-based for a few months and then switch back to their baseline diet to note the contrast, but people felt so good eating healthy some refused to go back to their regular diet, which kind of messes up the study. I am arguing that we should figure out what about the plants makes them so healthy. To stem the surging tide of chronic illness in the United States, physicians need to become part of the solution. The truly sad part is that he has deceived so many people. Dr. So, we need to optimize the food environment to support whole grains, vegetables, fruit, and plant-based sources of protein. It says Chinese eat less meat and are healthier than Americans. Three glasses a day was associated with nearly twice the risk of death. Mercola follows meat eating physician to present his case. The problem with the dryness is that sometimes if I drink water on its own I get painful heart palpitations. 85 times her bodyweight, which is exceptional for her division. And the year before that and the year before that, as well as 25 other DVDs. She cites an article showing celiac-like symptoms in fish exposed to glyphosate. Just like smoking doctors are less likely to tell their patients to stop smoking, and couch potato docs are less likely to counsel exercise or things like more fruits and vegetables, we need to role model healthy behavior. Tofu, tempeh, soymilk, etc. Dr. Fast food is typically low in cost, which is part of its appeal to many Americans. And not just in Florida - on up the Eastern seaboard, and out into the Midwest. Greger will post a new video on autoimmune disorders. A randomized placebo-controlled trial showing that a cup of hibiscus tea with each meal significantly lowers blood pressure. The number of diagnostic tests have improved so it is easier to place patients with autoimmune disorders in the appropriate diagnostic category. Milk-drinking men also had a higher rate of death, but for some reason you never see any of this in any of the milk ads. Across racial and ethnic groups, blacks and Hispanics eat fast food most often, with 52% and 53%, respectively, eating it at least weekly. In the opinion of David Gorski, a doctor who runs a site similar to. There does seem to be some correlation with the use of glyphosate and recent illnesses. The PREDIMED study found that a Mediterranean diet with nuts could cut stroke risk nearly in half, though they were still having strokes. Your videos, as far as I know, do not discuss this possible impact of glyphosate. I follow carefully a whole food plant based diet but still have dry mouth syndrome and pain in my legs. The suit claims that glyphosate IS toxic to humans, specifically to our gut flora. Africa and China have vastly different diets, but they share the common theme that they are plant-based day-to-day, with meat eaten only on special occasions. In this study, they fed diabetics foods packed with glycotoxins, like chicken, fish, and eggs, and their inflammatory markers shot up, like tumor necrosis factor and C-reactive protein. Both which appear at night when I am in bed but not during the day. S. To characterize the mechanisms underlying meat-related lung cancer development, they asked lung cancer patients how much meat they ate and examined the gene expression patterns in their tumors, and identified a signature pattern of heme-related gene expression. Greger has videos on this topic as well. iodineresearch. I think the author of that book would agree with my statement that high cholesterol levels are a symptom of low antioxidant intake or high antioxidant burn rate (from toxins and other stresses) or both. Researchers measured the blood pressure of a thousand people in rural Kenya who ate a diet centered around whole plant foods. This website never (as far as I have seen) seems to address this. All patients who died of acute heart attacks had perforating cholesterol crystals, like this, sticking out of their plaques. Taking the diet quality indexes to their logical conclusion, the most plant-based diet would be the most healthy diet. The only vitamin that is that yellow color is riboflavin, vitamin B2. One clinical trial I know of had to stop the study because patients with xerostomia felt so much better after acupuncture that it would have been unethical to continue. To avoid these complications, women attempting conception may want to consider avoiding milk and other dairy products. The theory is that by killing off most of the retina, the little pieces you leave behind may get more of the remaining blood flow. How do we get the benefit of a Vegan diet to everyone. Perhaps he would put people on every mineral, Zinc, Selenium, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Potassium, as well since they are very good at treating diseases. Other dangers of high hormone levels in food range from increased risk of early puberty to endometrial cancer in older women, but they are particularly dangerous in the case of vulnerable populations, such as young children and pregnant women. What was the response to the revelation that diets high in meat, eggs, and dairy could be as harmful to health as smoking. This may help explain why women can cut their breast cancer risk not just by being normal weight and limiting alcohol, but also by eating mostly foods of plant origin. Zinc is a very common deficiency among meat eaters as well and can cause some mood and health disorders. I bot this as well as volume 26 last week, enjoyed them thoroughly even if I am not 100% vegan as of yet. Close Share this Story Share this article with friends. Same with heart disease—only the heme iron, and same with diabetes—only the heme iron, and same with cancer. How does that estrogen compare with the phyto-estrogens found in soy and flax. That is why I feel disappointed that I have these night time problems. And indeed, those with rheumatoid arthritis have striking elevations in antibodies to foods like fish, pork, egg whites, dairy proteins, and even some cereals. Belive me, there IS a way to your health. It emphasizes fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy, but just a reduction in meat. Here is more information on diet and RA. Before learning of vitamins to treat mental illness, I had a lot of deficiencies. I should add that having too much say soy can potentially be a problem. The tobacco industry gave medical journals big money to run ads like these. Greger in fact indicated that B12 and B. It turns out, up to 12 grams of protein a day can escape digestion, and when it reaches the colon, it can be turned into toxic substances, like ammonia. The problem is that some of the by-products of this putrefaction process can be toxic. But the consequences of lifetime human exposure to the growth factors in milk have not been well studied. With access to the science, you realize that the best available balance of evidence suggests that your smoking habit is probably not good for you. Few governments are willing to prioritize health over big business. Middle-aged people who eat lots of proteins from animal sources were found to be more susceptible to early death in general. There probably are a lot of other compounds, not atoms in it that add to long life. One has heard otherwise very level headed supporters of WFPB food like John Robbins say that non organic soy is not worth having and I wondered. I have a member of my family who is the oldest living Olmypian from 1936 in Germany. Kim Allan Williams became President of the American College of Cardiology. But slightly fewer Americans eat fast food weekly now than did so in 2006, when Gallup last asked about it. I have become increasingly concerned over the last few years and so I try various things, testing my cholesterol before and after. Well, if our lungs can get filled with carcinogens from smoke, maybe our colons are getting filled with carcinogens from food. Maybe, the rarity of colon cancer in Africans is associated with low animal product consumption. I cannot agree more that it is our lifestyle, what we choose to eat, how much activity we choose to partake in and how much stress we take on that dictates our health. Vitamin B12, maybe a bit of D depending on where you live. I think B12 and D3 is perhaps a bare minimum. I clicked on the link and what I found saddens me, So much misinformation. Well, in many cultures, coronary disease is practically unheard of when total serum cholesterol levels are under 150. This may explain why women avoiding all animal products have a twinning rate which is one-fifth that of vegetarians and omnivores. Instead of learning, medicine seems to have forgotten. I thought research suggests that Vegetarians and Vegans are more youthful longer and do indeed live longer. A recent meta-analysis showed that vegetarian diets were good, but strictly plant-based diets may be better. This all makes sense, given the higher IGF-1 levels in those eating excess protein. Half as many strokes, but it was still a diet that promoted strokes and heart attacks. But too much is generally waaaay more than the vast majority of people are going to eat. Not only do these conventional farmers get subsidies for certain crops, they do not have to file paperwork and pay fees for certification or inspections to do so. Both discourage alcohol and tobacco, but the Adventists go further, encouraging a reduction of meat. Less than half of non-Hispanic whites (46%) by comparison dine on fast food at least weekly. Thanks again. Speaking of eggs, the next on the list of dreaded diseases is heart disease. You can also apparently pick up more of this neurotoxin in the hair of live ALS patients compared to controls. The same thing happens with other animal proteins. This certainly makes the site unique. Like most other medical journals, they accepted tobacco ads. If vegan really need more DHA is still an open question, IMHO. As some of you may know, my father contracted intestinal cancer 2x. Mercola is all about selling his supplements and He will use any means to do it. Based on a study of 89,000 Californians, those eating meat-free diets appeared to cut their risk of high blood pressure in half. The comparison of marketing tactics by the tobacco industry and the meat and dairy industry is a highly effective eye-opener. Normal cholesterol levels may be fatal cholesterol levels. I do look forward to a video on these topics by Dr. Perhaps overly simplified but I still like the analogy.

I am happy to answer your question to the best of my ability. Whole foods are better for us than foods in part. Analytics and advice to help leaders and organizations solve their most pressing problems. That may be the reason so many people are taking probiotics, protein pump inhibitors (which themselves are genetically engineered with one the long term side effects of cancer. Everything in moderation may be a truer statement than people realize. ). Hope this helps a bit and you find some relief. org as you never know when Dr. Gregor, this seems like an appropriate time to say thank you. The unnatural Western diet contributes to low-grade systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, tissue damage, and irritation, placing the immune system in an overactive state, a common denominator of conditions such as arthritis. Next on the dreaded list is diabetes and vision loss, which go together, since diabetes is the leading cause of preventable middle-aged blindness. He certainly talked a lot of people into liking vitamin C and maybe those people do live longer. Gregor. Strong evidence shows we need to keep our total cholesterol under 150 to stem the epidemic. The average per capita cigarette consumption was about 4,000 cigarettes a year. What is the missing vitamin that plants have that everyone is lacking. This may be a bit off topic but when we look at reducing hypertension, I know that we look to decrease sodium and increase potassium but why was the rice diet so effective in reducing BP levels. The health damaging results will be horrendous based on scientific studies around the world. The second is that the body produces cholesterol for use as an antioxidant when antioxidant levels are not adequate. To me, there has never been a way to get too much vitamins. And, on the other hand, the science (if you were lucky enough to know about studies like this). What else did you want from the passages that require more detail. A must see because you need to hear the opinions of many who research this and not just a vegan doctor. There is still raw food diet and also fasting. Today, virtually the entire U. To learn more about the health consequences of beef and eggs, you can check out the following topic pages from NutritionFacts: and. I do already follow a diet pretty much like you describe. These attacks started six to ten hours after ingestion of animal protein and lasted a few days, but they stopped when the patients stopped ingesting animal products. The FDA is largely controlled by big agriculture and is not about safety but profit in many cases. In 2013, I covered our most common conditions. They also found no relationship between B12 levels and meat consumption, suggesting that B12 is not bioavailable from meat. I think all of that information backs up what I am saying in this post. It is important to have an accurate diagnosis before rendering a treatment plan. These substances which have a similar-sounding name and are somewhat similar in make-up, are not actually the same and have different effects on the human body. It is best to eat plants as nature intended with no added chemical oils to muck up the natural balance. We used to think it was just mechanical wear and tear, but it is now generally accepted as an active joint disease with a prominent inflammatory component. A famous statistician by the name of Ronald Fisher railed against what he called propaganda to convince the public that cigarette smoking was dangerous. The irony is that the iron and the protein are what the industry boasts about—those are supposed to be the redeeming qualities of meat: protein and iron, but, sourced from animal foods, they may do more harm than good. Why does it matter if we have lots of cholesterol circulating in our bloodstream. In addition, these people are rarely informed, or have rarely informed themselves, as to what organic means. To help differentiate the effects of diet from other lifestyle behaviors—like smoking and drinking—on overall cancer incidence, Adventists were compared to Baptists. Illustratively, after decades of misleading assurances of the safety of DES in the meat supply, the United States finally banned its use some 40 years after it was first shown to be cancer-causing. How many greens we should eat, how many beans we should eat, how much sleep, how much exercise. Protection building incrementally as one moved from eating meat daily, to less than daily, to just fish, to no meat, and then, to no eggs and dairy either. But no crystals were found perforating the arteries of people who had severe atherosclerosis but died first of other, non-cardiac, causes. Obviously I am not jumping to the conclusion you have this syndrome I am simply sharing some of my notes. You take a perfectly good food like olives and squeeze out all the oil and throw out the healthy meat. Cholesterol is high but risk is low because of the latter. I take 2T of ground flax every day for the Omega 3s. Moderation in all things is not necessarily a good thing. With access to the science, you realize that the best available balance of evidence suggests that your eating habits are probably not good for you. Snopes. Eating animal protein increases IGF-1 levels, which increases cancer risk. If you wait until your physician tells you, between bites, to change your diet, it may be too late. Greger has no videos on dry mouth, pain in legs or sjogrens. Greger lays out that deficiencies are killing Vegetarians and Vegans. Indeed, plants contain mostly ALA, which have a poor DHA conversion rate. I just put it up as a public service, as a labor of love. Hydrogen sulfide is the rotten egg gas that, over and above its objectionable odor, can produce changes in the colon that increase cancer risk. A hundred thousand men and women followed for up to 20 years, and milk-drinking women had higher rates of death, more heart disease, and significantly more cancer for each daily glass of milk. A large swath of the public believes food served at fast-food restaurants is not good for them, and even about three-quarters of weekly fast-food consumers believe this. org as lowering cholesterol and concluded that adjusting my diet has reached diminishing returns. And here in the U. 44 consecutive patients with diabetic retinopathy, and in 30% of the cases, their eyes improved. Perhaps. Animal protein consumption causes an increase in blood levels of a cancer-promoting growth hormone called IGF-1. So glyphosate is sprayed on living, Roundup-ready crops to kill surrounding weeds. I hope this information is helpful to you as work with your health care professionals to figure out your best program. Just one more way to destroy nature by triggering a chain reaction (less to no food for whales, etc. I am sure you are eating ridiculously healthy so no worries. Garlic is rich in Selenium and areas with soils rich in Selenium are associated with lower cancer. It would be helpful to know just what the AHA moment was for you all to realize (as I did) that a WFPB diet is the only way to go. Cut his fire wood until a few years ago. To this critical population, even a small hormonal intake could lead to major changes in the metabolism. The protein does more than just putrefy, though. In fact, you can take vegetarians and give them meat and you can watch their blood pressures go up. I go through my daily dozen checklist of all the things I try to fit in my own daily diet. For those who have tried everything and cholesterol is still too high check out my comment based on Dr. Asthma, autism, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, etc. Use any flour or combinations of flour you want. And as a bonus, their cholesterol dropped like a rock—in 16 days to under 150. I reached the point where I have tested all the foods mentioned on nutritionfacts. The gist of the suit, and article, is that glyphosate robs us of critical gut. But, it may not really matter which component is worse, as a diet rich in one is usually rich in the others. (Dr. Men aged 18 to 49 in particular eat fast food at least weekly, at 57%. But the truth is hidden in trade secret sealed files from the public. i will certainly check out all the websites that you suggest. They promote oxidative stress and inflammation, and food analyses show that the highest levels of these so-called glycotoxins are found in meat. Thanks. If you eat egg whites, for example, some of that can putrefy, too. My psychiatrist (Japanese) told me to not eat any grain and drink lots of milk. That said, the link between salt and high blood pressure is poor, and the total elimination of Iodine from many American diets (from Iodized table salt) is very troubling. On the other hand, meat and dairy are associated with increased risks of various cancers. If you are not adding free oils to your food, The ratios between the fatty acids in plants are about right on. Even the paleo folks were smoking, and so were the doctors. Omega-3 fats may play a role, helping to reduce dry eyes. But it could also possibly be a pro-inflammatory property of meat fats or free radicals from the iron accumulating in the joints, or other mechanisms. They are also fed other crops sprayed with glyphosate that are located at. Are you interested in going on the rice diet. If you look at ruptured plaques from autopsies, they are filled with cholesterol crystals protruding out from the plaque. They are considered so toxic that carcinogens of this strength in any other consumer product designed for human consumption would be banned immediately. Particularly when deficiencies among vegans are common and not just B12, since deficiencies are in everyone. Also, can you provide cites to the studies that show that potatoes and apples contain high levels of pesticides in the center of them. It addresses the use of supplements including B12. Though other foods from animal sources can also harbor these pro-oxidant chemicals. They placed a thin membrane over the top of the test tube to see if the cholesterol needles would poke through, and indeed, the sharp tips of the cholesterol crystals cut through the membrane. Perhaps having a doctor handle vitamins is too demeaning. Conversion rate from ALA found in ground flax to DHA and EPA seeds can be be boosted if you add turmeric. With so much money and personal habit at stake, there will always be dissenters. The same scientists-for-hire paid to downplay the risks of secondhand smoke and toxic chemicals are the same hired by the National Confectioners Association to downplay the risks of candy, and the same hired by the meat industry to downplay the risks of meat. It can raise your HDL 25 percent, lower your LDL 25 percent, and reduce your Triglycerides by half. L Likes to have something sweet with dinner. This can explain why dramatically lowering cholesterol levels with diet (and drugs if necessary) can reduce the risk of fatal heart attack, by pulling cholesterol out of the artery walls, decreasing the risk of crystallizing these cholesterol needles that may pop the plaques in your arteries. MSM, found in fresh garlic and vegetables, can very quickly lower blood pressure. is down around 27th or 28th out of the 34 leading free-market democracies. This is especially so if I drink just before bed. The traditional Okinawans are an example of such a population. The fact that some people can eat WFPB and not get low cholesterol levels tells me that WFPB is not the whole story. Going from being unable to even read headlines to normal vision. BTW, At less than one tenth of a part per million per deciliter, glyphosate is toxic to the good bacteria in the gut of livestock, animals, and humans. I saw that web article re potato pesticides, but it mentions nothing about the pesticides being within the potato. I am happy to dig-up some studies or resources. Up until age 40, the blood pressures of rural Africans were about the same as Europeans and Americans, down around 120 over 80, but as Westerners age, their pressures creep up such that by age 60 the average person is hypertensive, exceeding 140 over 90. Heart disease can be reversed with a plant-based diet. I view high cholesterol as a symptom of some underlying condition that I need to figure out, understand and fix. The answer is that this is a science-based site. I personally have not always been a Vegan and I feel I have a lot of deficiencies. Our team is always thrilled to hear when these videos are being shared. DHA is not found in plants, only in some algae. Consumption of animal products and processed foods cause at least 14 million deaths around the world each year. Michael Greger, I believe I have found the SINGLE BEST. Who knows how long it could add to someones life who takes it for longer. Cancer has been described as a ferrotoxic disease: a disease, in part, of iron toxicity. If you look at four of the major dietary quality scoring systems, which have all been associated with extending lifespan and lowering heart disease and cancer mortality, they all share only four things in common: more fruit, more vegetables, more whole grains, and more nuts and beans. This is the number of units of insulin they had to inject themselves with before and after going on the plant-based diet. Different amounts of glyphosate seem to contribute to different devastating health damage with numbers as low as. If I remember correctly, the rice diet involves washing the rice before cooking in order to remove any salt residue that may be on the rice when you buy it. The Sodium-Potassium (nerve responses) pathway may be blocked and modulated by Iodine. He would put people on every vitamin, at the highest logical amounts of every vitamin (A,B3, B complex, C, D, E, and Omega threes). Good catch on the Weston Price cult membership. Some day, someone will get a picture of the whole elephant. The reason given by health authorities to not tell people the truth, for not advocating what the science shows is best, was that it might frustrate the public, who may have difficulty getting their cholesterol levels that low. Although they just looked at lung cancer, they expect these meat-related gene expression changes may occur in other cancers as well. Using optimal nutrition and exercise as the first-line intervention in the management of chronic osteoarthritis could well constitute the best medical practice. I just want to let you know that I love you and what you are trying to do for us the public, thank you for your caring of us the public. A review of all such studies found that those following plant-based diets experience better improvements compared to those following diets that include animal products—but this is nothing new. 5kg weight class while competing in France in June 2012. Livestock are fed more than GM alfalfa, soy and corn. Check out the consequences of our present diet. And they had significantly more bone and hip fractures too. Until then, we have no idea what kind of threat they may pose, though the fact that Zeranol is as potent as DES should concern us. Their food may not be genetically modified, but they are still part of the food chain, their food still contains environmental pollutants, and they are still concentrating them in their tissues. I do buy some things on the clean 15 except for squash and papaya as they are going the GMO route. The Dirty Dozen are fruits and veggies that are the most sprayed and chemical-laden, even after washing. I wish I could collect the awareness that is evident here and dole it out to the ones who desperately need it. Maybe it was partially due to the lack other foods in the diet that promote high blood pressure. There is a general consensus that these harmful algal blooms are increasing worldwide thanks in part to industrialized agriculture, which may increase exposure to this neurotoxin, leading to a possible increased incidence of these horrible neurodegenerative diseases. There is lots of good information from good scientists turned whistleblowers online. WASHINGTON, D. With lovingkindness and hope for a Better Future for us individually and collectively. Fisher made invaluable contributions to the field of statistics, but his analysis of lung cancer and smoking was flawed by an unwillingness to examine the entire body of data available. He eats some meat, venison and fresh salmon. The meat industry then promptly switched to other potentially carcinogenic additives, such as Ralgro Magnum. They have yet to see an autopsy with a single lesion that had a Marlboro label on it. Soy gets criticized for having phytoestrogen content, but it seems like meat and dairy might be just as guilty. Organic dairy milk will have high levels of leucine and microRNA-21 ( ), for example. Hope this information puts things into perspective for you. The more we as physicians ask from our patients, the more we are likely to get. No longer do patients have to be patient. 14 million people dead every year. The media was telling you to smoke and famous athletes agreed. No matter if you are Vegan, Keto or whatever this a common denominator. Steroid hormones are unavoidable in food of animal origin, but cow milk may be of particular concern. Greger says that Vitamin D3 and B12 are the only requirements on a Vegan diet. Greger points out, being a Vegetarian or Vegan could treat almost any disease. The researchers suggest that immune complexes formed by the body attacking animal proteins may promote autoimmune reactions in the joints themselves. And the answer is both, though raw may work better. The book I mentioned says two things (at least) that pertain to your questions. I decided I need to keep the WFPB and add another strategy. Eminent doctors, on high and impartial medical authority, call for Phillip Morris. The safest form of iron, then, is non-heme iron, found naturally in abundance in whole grains, beans, split peas, chickpeas, lentils, dark green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, and seeds. Sits in the sun all year for part of a day. Second when you have symptoms it is best to be checked out by a knowledgeable health care professional. Dr Mercola to the rescue, and of course he is now selling a special Vegan protein powder, and I am sure I will be receiving an email promoting that product by the end of the week. Young adults -- those aged 18 to 29 -- eat fast food most often, with 57% saying they do so at least weekly. You can be happy in the knowledge that you are taking steps to avoid many of the common chronic diseases. Lastly, research suggests acupuncture can significantly help treat xerostomia (dry mouth). Not safe enough to expose the general population to, but allowed for sale at the deli counter. And the herbicides go into our bodies when we eat any part of that plant. S. We cannot continue to have public and private organizations on the forefront of health leadership recommending to the public a dietary plan that guarantees that millions will perish from the very disease the guidelines are supposed to prevent. So I hope this will help you, best of luck to you:). If your diet is well planned this is probably true. Note that about 4% of their calories was animal products. So, the food industry came up with a blood-based crispbread made out of rye, and cattle and pig blood, one of the most concentrated sources of heme iron—about two-thirds more than chicken blood. This is not a failure of individual willpower, says the Director-General of the World Health Organization. I am trying to drink more during the day but find it difficult as usually I am not thirsty so forget to do so and then sometimes get the painful palpitations so it is a devil and the deep blue sea situation. In order for us to believe that those foods are good for us, we need some evidence beyond an anecdote of someone in your family. But practice Meatless Mondays and you could wake up Tuesday morning with nearly all of these carcinogens washed out of your system. It depends on many factors, but if cholesterol is high it does present a concern. So, do you change your eating habits or do you wait. Osteoarthritis is characterized by loss of cartilage in the joint. And it appears to be on the rise around the world. B12 is missing from the diet because of modern sanitation. Doctors no longer hold a professional monopoly on health information. We used to think it was all the fiber they were eating, however, the modern African diet is highly processed, low in fiber, and yet there has been no dramatic increase in colon cancer. But case reports and country-by-country analyses can be used only to raise questions. The simple fact that if we know eating more plant foods is good, then eating all plant foods must be better just seems to totally elude people. How common is it for middle aged persons who have been on a whole plant diet for a few years to still have total cholesterol over 150. com doubts some of the claims made by Seneff in her article, specifically how often glyphosate is used to desiccate. Patients were put on a vegan diet for three and a half months, and then switched to an egg-free vegetarian diet for the remainder of the study. Maybe they should have taken direction from the California Raisin Marketing Board, which came out with this study showing that raisins can reduce blood pressure, but only, apparently, compared to fudge cookies, Cheez-Its, and Chips Ahoy. They also took several 2nd and 3rd place wins. Heme iron is the form of iron found in blood and muscle, and may promote cancer by catalyzing the formation of carcinogenic compounds within our bodies. However, misleading assurances, including the deliberate suppression of residue data, managed to delay a US ban on DES in the meat supply for eight years. So, why do Americans get more colon cancer than Africans. So, until more is known, it may be prudent to limit exposure of BMAA in the human diet. The whole 140 over 90 cut-off is arbitrary. I am going by Consumer Reports, which states that organics cost, according to their study, 47% more, on average. This allows me to post new videos and articles every day, year-round, to NutritionFacts. Even those who are young and healthy with no health problems had no problem sticking to a plant-based diet. The people of Slovenia live a year longer than citizens of the United States. org. If this is what mental health doctors say, I glean that they are trying to cause suffering in others. So, they showed that as cholesterol crystallized, the peak volume can increase rapidly within minutes, and sharp-tipped crystals can cut through and tear membranes—suggesting that the crystallization of supersaturated cholesterol in atherosclerotic plaques can induce rupture. But yet he is the most quoted person when it comes to topics like veganism and so on. While watching, I was thinking of the people I know who would be shocked to see how misled we were by the tobacco industry. After this episode, Europe banned the use of anabolic growth promoters in agriculture and has banned the importation of American meat ever since, because we continue to inject animals with drugs like Zeranol, sold as Ralgro Magnum. , all major brands seem to carry organic options. Wow, so they must have had low rates of heart disease. org account or with one of the accepted social media logins. Fatty deposits in the liver can trigger inflammation, and result in liver cancer, failure, and death. To post comments or questions into our discussion board, first log into Disqus with your NutritionFacts. True. Which is one possible reason why most end up on drugs, injections, or both. And when they say low-protein diet, what they actually mean is just getting the recommended amount of protein. So I thought I would copy and paste it here. Although dairy products are an important source of hormones, other products of animal origin must be considered as well. When girls started dying from vaginal cancer, DES-treated meat was subsequently banned in Europe. Some criticize plant-based diets as extreme or draconian. I have not checked his source on that claim. Unfortunately there is a overlap between many of them. As a smoker in the 50s, on one hand, you had all of society, the government, and the medical profession itself telling you to smoke. Then, we could see if a plant-based diet had benefits independent of all the weight loss. Meanwhile, my omnivore mother is Vitamin D deficient. Farmers that want the organic designation, however, must file paperwork and pay a myriad of fees, all of which add to the costs of organics. And the result of these chemicals that are sort of like estrogens (the plant based version), but not really estrogens (like you find in meat and dairy) is that the plant-based versions are protective against diseases, including breast cancer. So they end up with higher levels of galactose in their blood, which can cause bone loss. A similar pattern was found for the leading cause of vision loss among the elderly—cataracts. However, this pathway is not clearly the signal system involved in blood pressure. Diabetic retinopathy had been considered a sign of irreversible damage. This enigma irked a Swedish research team, puzzled because studies again and again had shown a tendency for higher risk of fracture with higher milk consumption. I forgot: Water is also very important, I drink at least 2 liters (top 3 liters) a day. It can affect the thyroid and cause cholesterol to go up. Here are the before-and-after insulin requirements of the 20 people they put on the diet. So, does the American Heart Association recommend a strict vegetarian diet. A brewers yeast full of B vitamins, in particular the B1 component may help with this, it did for me, but everyone is different. A big bribe was paid to the FDA to get it approved in this country. I also fast a couple of times a year and get leg cramps when I break the fast too quickly. 14 million deaths. He went to a physical education college where Coaches study. I got a 20% drop in cholesterol shortly after trying one suggestion from that book. I ignore these newsletters because the dioxin contaminated herbicide, 2,4-D (which is contaminated with 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorinated dibenzo p dioxin), is the most toxic form of dioxin is registered to be used with glyphosate (active ingredient in Roundup and this is genetically engineered into seeds of feed for livestock, and other animals. One hot dog has as many nitrosamines and nitrosamides as five cigarettes. If you wait until your physician tells you, between puffs, to quit, you could have cancer by then. I am sorry for my follow posters to not have gone cold turkey. Even if all Americans kept their total cholesterol below the recommended 200, millions would develop coronary artery disease. Greger, I used to want to be a pharmaceutical botanist, to scout new plants for drugs, but that does not seem to be my destiny. ). You could see a Zinc deficiency in my nails. HOW NOT TO DIE: New York Times Best Seller. Currently I have more than a thousand videos covering 1,931 nutrition topics. I have blood work every two months and I have no vitamin or mineral deficiencies. com in 2002, being the only vegan athlete he knew of, he may not have imagined that the website would quickly grow to have thousands of members. This means I may have more power than I think to create my own health, and to make sure I stay out of hospitals not just today but as I age as well. Why do African Americans get more colon cancer than native Africans. Dr. Over two years at a rural Kenyan hospital, 1,800 patients were admitted. How do we treat diabetic retinopathy these days. At any given time, an estimated 30,000 Americans are fighting for their lives. On the other hand omega 3 thins the blood and can cause bleeding problems if too much is in the system. Greger said of all dietary groups, only vegans meet targets for blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol levels, A vegan diet can very quickly lower blood pressure. Having said that the sun is the best place to get D3 and every effort should be made to take advantage of any sunny days you have. To prove cause-and-effect, you need an interventional study to put it to the test. And these carcinogens are also found in fresh, unprocessed meat as well: beef, chicken, and pork. However if you do add oils to your food or eat in restaurants, you may want to supplement to make sure that the minimum 4 to 1 omega 6, omega 3 ratio stays in range. Even Santa Claus cared enough about your throat to want you to smoke. I know he appreciates the feedback, as well as the entire NF team:-). Story of Mac Denzig, winner of season six of The Ultimate Fighter. He expressly states in another video that B12 could prevent brain shrinkage. , in the famous Framingham Heart Study, few of those with levels below 150 developed heart disease, and none died from it. Essylstyn emphasises the need for high antioxidant intake (to neutralize toxins produced by infections) which he does with 6 fist-sized servings of green vegetables per day. When Robert Cheeke started VeganBodybuilding. You can read about this approach and the rationale in Dr. Conversion rate from ALA to DHA is low (though ALA to EPA is enough) even with 1:1 Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio. Here is one case study on a women who reduced inflammation and began normal menses with an elimination diet. Just like moderate changes in diet usually result in only modest reductions in cholesterol. Jim Felder said the Chinese are getting sicker as they have 500 million heads of pig. Gone are the days of traditional authority when the fat physician, dropping cigarette ash down his gravy-stained vest, could credibly prescribe a change in behavior. He has always done physical work and says to Keep Moving. Another great video in your continuing line of yearly summary talks. Also, I discovered via the article in question that glyphosate is used pre-harvest to dessicate, i. I think being a vegetarian or vegan could add 10 years to your life, and as Dr. Yes, in both freshwater fish and shellfish, like oysters and bass, and out in the bay. Is there a little bit of this precious drug in any plant. Even people starting out with blood pressure under 120 over 80 appear to benefit from blood pressure reduction. He (science) is really into the whole food concept for our nutrients. I am almost entirely Vegan now, as I have a milk allergy (I think 90 percent of people do) and truly do not like meat. It may be more effective than limiting patients to small steps that may sound more manageable but are not sufficient to actually stop the disease. The idea is large doses should be safe as you correct an imbalance, because it is easier to handle an overload than a deficiency. High triglycerides are a sign of a niacin deficiency. Keep tuned to NutritionFacts. Is that the list of vitamins we should be taking. Schizophrenia is often a milk allergy or a niacin deficiency or an omega three fatty acid deficiency. In my 2012 year-in-review, I explored the role a healthy diet may play in preventing, arresting, and reversing our deadliest diseases. Moderate changes in diet can leave one with moderate blindness, moderate kidney failure, and moderate amputations—maybe just a few toes. I wrote a post about soy Should I stay away from soy if I have breast cancer. -- Eight in 10 Americans report eating at fast-food restaurants at least monthly, with almost half saying they eat fast food at least weekly. This suggests a partial explanation for the longstanding enigma that hip fracture rates are highest in populations with the greatest milk consumption. Look, dairy milk evolved to put a few hundred pounds onto a calf within the first few months of life. Please consider volunteering to help out on the site. I tell him he is from another planet Nobody here mentions grass fed beef natural chicken or fresh eggs and milk. Good for you on going vegan and giving up animal stuff. So discouraging and frustrating, makes me want to scream. A Mediterranean diet is certainly better than what most people are consuming, but even better may be a diet based on whole plant foods, shown to actually reverse heart disease, not contribute to it. I love Dr. Drinking one to two glasses of milk every day may be three times as bad—62% higher risk of